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DAPI Staining Mouse Brain Sections


This protocol details the steps for staining 4% PFA fixed mouse brain tissue sections with DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), a fluorescent stain that can be used to label anatomic regions of interest in a mouse brain, allowing for imaging with a fluorescent microscope.

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Data platforms accelerate our work


The Surgery team offers a variety of aseptic rodent surgical procedures ranging from stereotaxic injections to headpost implantation and cranial windowing.

Neuropixels Electrophysiology

The Neuropixels platform uses pioneering technology for highly reproducible, targeted, brain-wide, cell-type-specific electrophysiology to record neural activity from defined neuron types across the brain.

Brain-Wide Anatomy At Cellular Resolution

The Molecular Anatomy platform combines innovative histology, imaging, and analysis techniques to map the morphology and molecular identity of neuron types across the whole brain.


The Behavior platform uses advanced technology to implement a standardized, modular, multi-task virtual reality gymnasium for mice, with the goal to study brain function across different behaviors at scale.

Fiber Photometry

The Fiber Photometry platform enables optical measurement of neural activity in live animals to study neural circuits' function and dynamics in behaving animals.