Neuropixels Electrophysiology


Extracellular electrophysiology (or “ephys”) is the gold standard method for recording spikes from distributed neural populations. In recent years, Neuropixels probes have dramatically increased the throughput of ephys experiments, making it practical to carry out the first surveys of spiking activity across the entire brain. However, significant limitations remain, such as the variability of electrode placement across subjects and the difficulty of relating ephys results to burgeoning knowledge about genetically defined neuron types. The Ephys team at the Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics is advancing the technology for highly reproducible, brain-wide, cell-type-specific electrophysiology, and making these innovations widely available.

We are using ephys to understand how activity of defined neuron types within multi-regional loops guides flexible actions, such as foraging for reward in dynamic environments. All complex behaviors depend on the precise coordination among dozens of brain regions, yet until recently, most ephys experiments only recorded from one or two areas at a time. Our new approaches to anatomy-guided electrode targeting and cell-type-specific recordings will make it easier to observe how spikes flow through networks distributed across the brain.

Modular insertion system

We need insertion systems that can be rapidly reconfigured to target arbitrary combinations of a dozen or more brain regions day after day. Our modular insertion system is based on a set of arcs that can hold up to 24 Neuropixels at any angle relative to the brain surface. Each probe is mounted on a compact 3-axis manipulator (New Scale Technologies) and the entire system of arcs can be raised and lowered to facilitate rapid transitions between experiments. The complete system can be purchased from New Scale or manufactured from freely available design files. To complement the hardware, we are developing machine vision software, called Parallax, that can automatically detect the 3D location of individual probes and calibrate their motion to a global coordinate system.

Greyscale image of modular equipment used for targeting brain regions

MRI-guided targeting

Standard methods for electrode placement, based on skull landmarks, are too variable and imprecise to target small brain structures reliably. To make multi-probe electrophysiology experiments truly reproducible, probes must be placed within ~200 micrometers of their targets. We are developing procedures based on high-resolution MRI imaging to improve targeting accuracy (collaborating with Donghoon Lee in the UW Department of Radiology). Mice are implanted with a zirconia headframe that includes precisely machined fiducial holes. Using a 14T magnet and a manganese-based contrast agent, we routinely obtain scans with 100 micrometer isotropic resolution. We use scans from individual mice to guide Neuropixels probes to multiple connected brain regions.

In addition to the protocols for anatomy-guided electrophysiology, we are also developing open resources for aligning individual brains to the Allen Common Coordinate Framework (CCF) and vice versa. These include CCF-registered template volumes for light sheet imaging, a transform between the Paxinos mouse atlas and the CCF, and an extension to the Pinpoint trajectory planning app for visualizing individual brains in 3D.

Image with a greyscale brain scan on the left and overlapping green shapes on the right, with yellow dots on one of the shapes, all set against a black background.

Cell type lookup table

Advancing our understanding of the function of neural circuits will depend critically on exploring how various cell types interact at the level of the whole brain during behavior. However, the vast majority of electrophysiology datasets lack information about the cell types that were recorded. To address this, we use “optotagging” to obtain the ground truth spiking activity of a variety of genetically defined cell types, then train machine learning models to classify cells based on their electrophysiological properties alone. The resulting “Cell Type Lookup Table” would dramatically improve our ability to connect electrophysiology experiments to the vast knowledge of cell types being generated by the Allen Institute for Brain Science and elsewhere.

Image showing a 'Cell Type Lookup Table' with features like spike waveforms, firing patterns, and coupling to behavior on the left, and a cell table with numerical data on the right.

Spike sorting in the cloud

Reproducible ephys requires rapid feedback about the quality of data in each experiment, along with a complete record of all code that was used for analysis. We are building a pipeline around the SpikeInterface Python package that is automatically triggered after each experiment, and which can be easily re-run with new spike sorting algorithms. Our pipeline was optimized for use within the Code Ocean computing platform, but it can also be deployed on a single machine or a local cluster. This pipeline has made it much easier to benchmark tools for preprocessing, spike sorting, and curation. For example, we compared the performance of a wide range of compression algorithms on Neuropixels data and found that audio codecs result in the smallest file sizes with no loss of information.

Our pipeline encompasses all steps of spike sorting. It starts by reading raw Neuropixels data stored in Open Ephys, SpikeGLX, or NWB formats followed by low-level signal processing. The output of each processing step can be checked via web-based visualizations hosted by Figurl. Next, spike sorting is performed by any algorithm supported by SpikeInterface. Switching sorters is as simple as changing one line of code; no additional installation is necessary. The outputs of the sorter are then curated using standard quality metrics and automated classifiers trained on human annotations. Outputs can be manually refined via sortingview, or exported to Phy format for offline exploration. Instructions for using the pipeline with your own data can be found on GitHub.

Probe localization in the cloud

The reliable interpretation of spiking data depends on precisely registering each recorded neuron to an anatomical atlas. This involves coating each probe in dye and tracing the fluorescent tracks they leave behind in histological sections. A variety of tools exist for annotating probe tracks offline, but we needed a cloud-friendly method to complement our spike sorting pipeline. We based our workflow on two powerful open-source tools, the Ephys Alignment App (International Brain Lab) and Neuroglancer (Google). These tools can now be used to identify probe tracks and align them to electrophysiological landmarks without leaving a cloud computing environment.

Open Ephys GUI

Our team is supporting and extending a widely used open-source application for acquiring multichannel electrophysiology data. The software was designed around a plugin architecture that makes it easy for scientists to add new functionality. The Open Ephys GUI works seamlessly with all types of Neuropixels, and includes unique visualizations optimized for high-density linear probes. Current efforts are focused on building new plugins that make it easier to run experiments that combine electrophysiology with optical stimulation.

3D-style image showing a computer and its GUI components in a blown-out view. Four components are displayed separately from one another, positioned in front and behind each other, with lines connecting each component back to the main interface. Lines of code appear behind the interface.

Our projects

Explore open projects

Brain-Wide Neuromodulation

We are studying the molecular and anatomical subclasses of neuromodulator neurons and exploring how networks use neuromodulators to drive learning and decision making.


OpenScope provides access to cutting-edge neurophysiological methods to scientists across the world. Similar to astronomical observatories, scientists propose experiments that are then executed at the Allen Institute.

Dynamic Routing

We are studying task-switching behaviors in mice to determine how the brain controls the flow of its own activity and how neuronal circuits are reconfigured to dynamically route information for different tasks.

Data platforms accelerate our work

Neuropixels Electrophysiology

The Neuropixels platform uses pioneering technology for highly reproducible, targeted, brain-wide, cell-type-specific electrophysiology to record neural activity from defined neuron types across the brain.

Brain-Wide Anatomy At Cellular Resolution

The Molecular Anatomy platform combines innovative histology, imaging, and analysis techniques to map the morphology and molecular identity of neuron types across the whole brain.


The Behavior platform uses advanced technology to implement a standardized, modular, multi-task virtual reality gymnasium for mice, with the goal to study brain function across different behaviors at scale.

Fiber Photometry

The Fiber Photometry platform enables optical measurement of neural activity in live animals to study neural circuits' function and dynamics in behaving animals.